Personality Enlighten Analysis
Personality is broadly classified in Four Types viz, Dominant, Influential, Steady and Dove.We always being confused what type of personality we are? Which Brain (Left or Right) we use more? What career we should opt? How to match with our partner? Lalten Solutions, Develop and grow individuals totally in their physical, mental and intellectual aspect, so that they become capable of tapping their intelligence and availing it to their highest physical and mental power for achieving theirpredetermined goals in life. Scientific researches have proven that even a person as intelligent as Albert Einstein, does not use more than 10% of his total brain capacity. The MidBrain Activation has the potential to transform children with average intelligence into highly intelligent individuals.
There could be many ways to analysis our personality, one of the most trusted and proven way is DMIT. DMIT (Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test) is a biometric analysis based on the scientific study of fingerprints. Armed with this information obtained purely from the child's biometric, DMIT assessments give crisp actionable insights and appropriate career recommendations. DMIT Test is a biometric analysis conducted on the basis of the study of human fingerprints. While DMIT counselling is useful for all age groups, it is particularly beneficial for parents and tutors to understand a child's potential, strengths, and innate capabilities.
Why is DMIT important?
DMIT is useful for all age groups, it is particularly beneficial for parents and teachers to understand a child's innate strengths as well as areas that need molding. DMIT guides the students to choose appropriate career option by considering the abilities possessed by them. Also, the report clarifies whether the student is a kinesthetic, visual or auditory learner. This helps the counselor to design an appropriate study plan for them.
Dermatoglyphic Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT)
The term Dermatoglyphic consists of two words: Derma meaning Skin and Glyphics meaning prints / images. It suggests that the test is conducted by scanning & then taking the printouts of skin’s images (i.e. Fingerprints). During the DMIT Test, ridges of each finger of the hand are scanned from three different angles; thus total 30 finger-prints are taken of all 10 fingers and the scanned data is stored in a computer system. Then, a detailed Scientific Report is prepared. The Report contains many important aspects of the person under test, viz. the details about the Strengths and Weaknesses of the concerned person’s personality traits; dominance of Right Brain or Left Brain; learning mode, whether the person can learn better by listening or by seeing the images or by writing the matter repeatedly.